Akkan Gate 3 Guide for Lost Ark - Mobalytics (2024)



This is the third gate of the Akkan Legion Raid.

Make sure to check out ATK's video guide below for some extra tips and tricks!

Full Video Guide

Akkan Gate 3 Guide for Lost Ark - Mobalytics (1)

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Akkan Gate 3 Guide for Lost Ark - Mobalytics (2)Akkan Gate 3 Guide for Lost Ark - Mobalytics (3)

Cheat Sheet

Akkan Gate 3 Guide for Lost Ark - Mobalytics (4)

Universal Mechanics


The plague meter operates the same way, but there are no gazes.

Dead Players

All dead players will be revived by Akkan to fight alongside him periodically, then turn into a suicide bomber if they’re not killed.

Lantern God

At the beginning of the fight, Wei will provide you Akkan’s lantern, if you pick it up with G you can go inside another realm.

These plague pools outside will give you plague meter if you stand on them.

On the other realm, the pool’s core will show, you can use the Q laser to destroy the core to remove the pool. Any players can pick up the lantern to go inside, but generally you have one player focusing on cleaning the insides. We can call them the lantern god role.

  • While you’re inside, ghosts will follow you consistently, you can only temporarily kill them with Q laser and W petrify beams.
    • On hard mode, there will also be a lady ghoul, where she can fear you. She can’t be killed, only petrified temporary with the W lantern skill.
  • The map is divided into 3 large ring groups, and pools generation logic is:
    • The initial pool generation is about one every 10 seconds, and it will always spawn at the outermost ring
    • Each pool itself has an internal clock that expands itself to the inner ring every 10 seconds.
    • Outside players getting hit too much to receive plague stack will force a pool spawn, it can either expand or create new ones on the outer ring
    • After 140 lines, the initial pool generation is increased to 2 every 10 seconds

The goal is to clear the eggs as fast as you can to provide a clean battleground for your team.

Major Mechanics

x200 Laser to Stagger

What happens

Akkan will disappear, then he will teleport to the middle spawning 4 statues at ordinal positions shooting lasers and initiate a stagger check.

The laser will hurt more the longer you block them, blocking them allows you to stagger Akkan through the shield.

After the first few seconds, razor blades will fall from the sky, in HM there will also be a large guillotine. These attacks all have red indicators and are guaranteed death on hit.

After 2 explosions, the razors and guillotines will fall again.

What to do

Block the laser and stagger.

Dodge the razors and guillotines, after 2 explosions you will have to dodge these again.

x165 Laser Carry

What happens

Akkan will teleport to 3 o-clock. Then he will spawn human sacrifice at the 9 o'clock with a tower, and 2 additional towers on 12 and 6.

The 12 and 6 oclock towers will fire an orange laser that spawns ring explosions throughout the map if not intercepted:

  • Top spawn Inner ring
  • Bottom spawns outer explosion

The purple laser at 3 o-clock can be touched to be carried around. 3 skull icons indicate your time limit for carrying the laser, each skull slows you down and the last 3rd one will teleport you back to the start.

What to do

  • Intercept green laser.
  • Alternate between players to carry the purple laser all the way to Akkan.
  • Block the orange lasers and Stagger.
  • Ensure you don't get 3 skulls.

x140 Shape Statues

What happens

Akkan will port to the center, he will spawn a large magic circle and spawn 6 statues around the map.

  • 2 Statues will spawn inside for the lantern god player.
  • 4 Statues with stagger checks will spawn, once staggered they will get activated.
    • Once activated, the camera will zoom out.
    • These statues can be rotated using the G key.

The finishing shape will either be a hexagon or a star. Lasers turn white when they are correct

In hard mode, guillotines will also spawn.

What to do

Stagger the statues.

The 1 o-clock statue will always spawn outside and it will either fire horizontal, vertical, or diagonal:

  • If it fires horizontally or vertically, the final shape is a star
  • If it fires diagonally is hexagon

Players on the 1 o'clock statue should call out the shape for the team, and everyone needs to rotate the statues to make the shape.

Call out and dodge the guillotines.

x125 Awakened Akkan

After the statue mechanic, Akkan will awaken to phase 2.

You will be fighting Akkan till 30 lines for the final phase, but he will have time based special patterns throughout the fight.

Be prepared to look at the minimap whenever Akkan teleports away. This indicates he will be doing a special mapwide AOE pattern.

Slimes / Enhanced Slimes

Akkan will start chanting and spawn tentacles and one slime on the map.

After you identify him teleporting away to the centre, see if he is emitting a smoke or a magic circle, he also faces the top side of the map instead of bottom. Those are the indicators of the enhanced slime attack.

There will be 3 map wide explosions with the same slime spawn and tentacles. Get your ready if you have them.

The exact explosions are + from Akkan, # shaped, then ㅁ square shaped explosion.

Destroy the tentacles and slime.

Dodge the explosions.


After Akkan teleports to the center, see if he is emitting a magic circle instead of a smoke, also facing front.

This is a green and white skull pattern.

Akkan will spawn a bunch of green skulls around the map, and a homing white skull fired from Akkan, traveling very slowly to the nearest player.

Stay far away and focus dodging, this pattern’s difficulty is based on how clean the map is from the pools.

Green skulls will increase your meter a lot, so watch out for stuns.

Wave Attack

If Akkan does not teleport to the center, you must look at the minimap.

He will either teleport at the end of + positions on the map, he will charge up and throw an map wide AOE wave attack, it will also spawn a bunch of ad bugs as well.

When the waves are done, he will teleport behind someone to cast an instant death neck slice.

Everyone should gather up at the opposite wall to force him to teleport at the end of the map for DPS opportunity.


Akkan will cast a curse with a dialogue. There are red, blue, green, and black curses.

Along with the curse, he will always fire an aimed laser that can knock off the players very far away that can cause instant deaths.

Blue curse will choose 2 random players, they need to be as close as possible.

Red curse will choose two random players, they need to separate as far as they can or they will be mind controlled to their death, this can be ccd to break them free.

Green curse will choose 4 random players, 3 green pools will spawn periodically under their feet. The tether laser itself will give plague meters to anyone touching it.

Black curse will choose 3 random players, the tether laser itself will provide heavy damage and anyone who gets too far will instantly kill all the tethered players. Group up and keep positioning on Akkan’s back, even if one of them is aggroed, it is crucial to avoid his followup laser.

Survival & Destruction

When you reach 32 bars, Akkan will teleport to the middle and start smashing the ground. You can stand 5 ot 7 o-clock position to not get hit by it.

Then a cutscene will start with many minions climbing up the tower. You will fight him at a small circular surface, where fall death is possible.

Akkan then will start firing lasers while minions are constantly rushing into the players.

He will either fire rotating lasers, sideway lasers, or frontal blasts. All of these lasers can be dodged as long as you stay behind Akkan’s back. You will need to drop his HP to 0 or 15 depending on what the raid team wants to do.

When his bar reaches 15 or under, you can use esther Wei anytime to finish the fight.

If not, the final destruction phase will start.

Destruction Phase

Akkan will try to recover himself and a series of ring or cone explosions can knock you off.

You will need to dodge them and apply destruction to Akkan.

One Thirain is enough to finish this mechanic, but people tend to use Inanna and apply destruction slowly to prevent unnecessary deaths.

First explosion is always an inside circle.

Hard Mode Phase

x300 Phase Start

This is a drownable map unless you fall where Akkan is, which is instant death.

Akkan will always cast a black sphere fog attack at the start of the fight.

The fog will generate two tentacles on the field and a worm debuff on a random person.

If you destroy the tentacles you will receive additional stagger damage that can help stagger him to destroy his armour. If you destroy all of his armor 3 times you will deal 200% more damage.

One random person will receive the worm debuff, after the timer runs out the player with the debuff will spawn a worm portal under their feet.

Stepping on this will activate the worm and it will grab anyone who is stepping on them.

Always go to where his arm is in contact with the ground, that is the safe spot for all of the patterns.

Waves have yellow indicators that can potentially knock you off.

When he rotates to change position, stay on the hand where he’s grabbing the pillar for the safe spot.

x235 Akkan Smash

1 to 3 worms will spawn.

Akkan will raise his hands far up and the camera will back up a little.

You will need to go inside the worm on purpose or use esther Inanna to survive this smash.

x200 Stage Flipping Waves

He will change positions and grab the stage. He will flip the stage over to one side to make everyone slide and fall.

You will need to walk up the opposite end to prevent yourself from falling.

There will also be plague muds that will cause you to slip.

Akkan will scratch or fire a laser, if he scratches, he will always fire the laser afterwards. After that, he will flip the stage to the other angle and do the patterns again.

x135 2nd Akkan Smash

Make sure you have at least 1 or 2 worms on stand by during the fight. If you don’t happen to have a worm and people pushed it too far by accident, you can purposely get knocked off to the waters to survive the smash.

If the fight goes long enough, and there are dead players, Akkan will resurrect them as zombies again.

The summoning lasers push you far off with lots of plague meter gains, so you need to stay right beside Akkan at the corner to dodge them.

Use Wei at around 50 bars.

Here is a video overview of this phase, make sure to cross reference with the above mechanics:

Counterable Mechanics

Side Windup Counter

This counter is critical, if failed he will fire an insane amount of green skulls while rotating, finishing up with a scythe spin.

Many people can get shotgunned or plague stunned from the skulls.

This windup is the same from gate 2, make sure to memorize this to counter it consistently.

Back Sythe Counter

Akkan will send his scythe at the back and crouch.

If this is failed he will dash and uppercut really high to spawn green skulls falling from the sky, these will also give you plague meter.

This is rather quick to recognize, but focus on countering this at all costs.

Backstep to Counter

If Akkan slides backwards with a green mist, it’s always a counter.

Failing isn’t much of a penalty since it’s a simple dash to slice attack like gate 2.

Normal Mechanics

Rotating Pizza

Akkan will float up a little and cast the pizza attack like gate 2.

This time it will rotate and explode 5 times. You can identify the rotation by the spinning red skulls.

If you can’t make it in time, make sure to use your to prevent your death or plague meter stack.

For supports, make sure to be keen on cleansing or save guardian tune for this specific pattern.

Triple Slam

Akkan will smash front twice at an aggroed player then slam behind him.

Then he will spit out 2 large cone blasts on his side, the cone blast will fill up plague meter so always stay front or behind Akkan when you see him slamming his scythe with a circular effect.

Jump + to x Explosion

Akkan will jump high up and proceed to slam on an aggroed player. He will keep his scythe on the ground and cause a + explosion.

Then he will stab the ground again and make it a x explosion.

Make sure to check where his impact is and stand diagonal then move inwards.

Outside/Inside Safe

Akkan will scratch the floor, and spawn a green portal.

The scythe from the portal will slam downwards for an outside, inside safe explosion.

Walk inside after the initial explosion.

Side to 270 Laser

Akkan will launch his scythe in the air, and spread his arms to a sideway laser to frontal, when the lasers are gathered he will spin 270 degrees.

Reviving Laser

When someone is dead, Akkan will revive them, during his summon ritual he will fire a series of triple lasers in front of him.

It’s almost impossible to dodge from the front, stay far or at the back.

Normal 2nd Phase Mechanics


Akkan will hold his scythe vertically and proceed to slam the ground, this circle explosion will stun you.

There is another variation where he will slam twice for larger AoE stun explosions.

Akkan’s larger explosion version will have him charge up even further up.

Always make sure to stay far away from this or there will be stunned players that will have Akkan do a neck slice follow up attack.

Double Earthquake Slam

Akkan will slam the ground, the scythe will glow green for this. and disappear to slam the ground again from the air.

Both of these slams can stun you.

The 1st slam will have enough time for people to avoid the neck slice, but getting hit by 2nd slam requires cleanse.

Quad Slam

Akkan will prepare to slam at an aggroed player. The slam will create fire waves coming out to the side.

He will do this 4 times.

It is important for the aggroed player to keep the head position still.

Poison Pizza

Akkan will hold his scythe up and charge up, you will see green laser effects.

When you see this, always stay behind him till he slashes.

After the slash you will see poison indicators on the floor.

Big Scythe Swing

Akkan will hold a giant scythe and charge up, staying close to him is the safe spot.

270 Scythe Throw

Akkan will spin his scythe around and do a frontal slash.

This is a front cone safe to outside safe.

You must stay in front of Akkan during this or the multiple hits may kill you from full HP.

Rings to Lines

Akkan will smash the ground, showing many green ring indicators then explode.

Afterwards He will scratch backwards to line indicators exploding.

Front and back positions are safe throughout the whole pattern.

Uppercut to Grab

Akkan will look at a player, and proceed to uppercut.

If you get hit you will be grabbed. He will dash away quickly somewhere else and start a stagger check.

If you fail the stagger the player who is grabbed will be killed.

Stab to Grab

Akkan will aim at a player, phasing a little back and stab the player.

Stabbed player will be lifted up with a stagger check.

You must succeed at the stagger or the stabbed player will get heavy damage.

Scythe Spin

Regular scythe spin where left of Akkan is safe on initial throw.

Scythe Throw to Slam

Akkan will scratch the floor and throw his scythe as a boomerang, after catching it back he will slam the floor.

Jump Slam

Akkan will fly up and slam at the player, this is a pattern you see at the beginning of the fight.

If nobody gets hit by the 1st hit, he will turn around and do an uppercut slash.

Akkan Gate 3 Guide for Lost Ark - Mobalytics (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.